Survey Law Education
Since survey law education is critical to becoming licensed as an Ontario Land Surveyor and since it is not available at all universities that can lead to licensure as an Ontario Land Surveyor, the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors (AOLS) has arranged with Four Point Learning to hold two survey law courses that will meet the requirements of the AOLS.
The Survey Law 1 course is being offered by Izaak de Rijcke through the Four Point Learning site. Understanding the workings of the legal system and the legal process is essential for regulated professionals entrusted to make ethical and defensible opinions that have the potential of being reviewed by a court. This university-level course will be taught online with 2 lectures per week: a “live” one scheduled for Wednesday evenings from 6 pm to 7:30 pm EST and a pre-recorded one made available later in the week. For more information, consult the syllabus. The fee cannot be treated as tuition under the Income Tax Act. CBEPS has awarded exemptions from both C8 Cadastral Studies and C9 Survey Law to candidates upon successful completion of both courses Survey Law 1 and Survey Law 2. To register for the course, visit to register for the course.