All nominations for an AOLS Award must be made in the proper form and presented to the Awards Committee. The Awards Committee will determinein the appropriate category in whichto place the nomination from thoselisted below.
The main source of the nominations will be from the Membership of the AOLS, however, the Awards Committee reserves the right to submit nominations for any award on its own initiative, or to move a nomination from one award category to another if it considers this to be more appropriate than the original submission.
There are seven (7) award categories;
- Professional Recognition Award
- The Fellowship Award
- Honorary Membership
- Life membership
- Centenary Award
- President’s award
- Citation
This Award is considered to be the ultimate award presented to members of the Association of Ontario LandSurveyors. The Award is for a member who is judged to have contributed substantially to the status of the surveying profession in Ontario. Criteria for this award are as follows:
- exemplary professional conduct in a specific outstanding instance;
- an established reputation for professional service;
- lasting achievement in improving the ability of the survey profession to serve the public;
- meritorious service in professional education and development;
- other evidence of merit, which in the judgment of the Awards Committee shall advance the Association's professional objectives.
The Professional Recognition Award consists of a plaque and a pin.There shall be no more than one recipient of this Award in any one year and no recipient may receive theAward more than once.
This Award is available from time to time to a member of the Association under the following Terms of Reference. A member of the Association shall be considered eligible for this Award, who is judged to have contributed substantially to the status of the surveying profession in Ontario by:
- exemplary professional conduct in a specific outstanding instance;
- investigating or reporting on a specific item of survey research and the reduction thereof to a technology which may gain wide acceptance in the practice of surveying; or,
- demonstrating ability to show leadership in the efficient conduct of the affairs of the Association and continued service towards improving and perfecting an or any aspects of survey education.
This award consists of a framed Certificate and a pin.
This award shall only be available to recipients who are not now nor have been a member of the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors. The recipient shall have:
- contributed significantly to the Association directly, through involvement in Council and/or its committees; or,
- been involved in the education or continuing education of the survey profession; or,
- contributed significantly to the promotion of the profession. This award consists of a framed certificate and a pin.
This award shall only be available to retired or past members of the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors. The recipient shall have:
- contributed significantly to the Association directly, through involvement in Council and/or its committees; or,
- been involved in the education or continuing education of the survey profession; or,
- contributed significantly to the promotion of the profession. This award consists of a framed certificate and a pin.
This Award is set up to commemorate the Centenary of the Association and will be an ongoing Award after1992. Criteria for the award are based on exemplary conduct and accomplishments in one or all of the following areas of activity.
- Civic
- Humanitarian
Professional Centenary Awards will be given on an annual basis to one or more than one member of theAssociation. This award consists of a framed Certificate and a pin.
This award shall be used to honour those that may not fit within the criteria for the other awards, especially those who are not members of our association but where the HonoraryMembership is not appropriate. The award will be at the suggestion of the outgoing president with approval of council.This award consists of a framed certificate.
Recipients of Citations are determined by a Motion of Council. Citations are presented on a yearly basis by theAssociation. The criteria for presentation of the Citations are as follows:
- service on Council or the Academic and Experience Requirements Committee of the Association;
- outstanding service as a member of a Committee; and/or
- outstanding involvement in Regional Group activities. This award consists of a framed certificate.
Presentation Ceremony
All awards to be awarded in any given year will be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Association, unless under exceptional circumstances a special ceremony is arranged. Normally, the presentation of the awards will be on the Thursdayluncheon of the Annual Meeting.