Access to Records Related to Registration Policy
This policy ensures all registration applicants have access to information in their file. The Association of Ontario Land Surveyors is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of information it receives or creates in the course of fulfilling its regulatory functions.
The Association fulfills this commitment to privacy and confidentiality by complying with its statutory obligations under the Surveyors Act, and by adopting the practices set out in the Association's Privacy Code, as contained in AOLS By-Law 2004-02.
- Verified applicants may, upon submitting a written request to the Registrar, have access to all documents related to their application for registration. Only information and/or documents that may jeopardize the safety of any person will be withheld.
Provision of Records
- Records include all the documents that relate to the application, such as, but not limited to:
- Documents provided by the applicant as part of their application;
- Documents that describe the regulatory body's rationale for its decision;
- Documents related to any assessment of qualifications completed or received by the Association;
- Documents related to accommodation requests; and
- Documents related to reviews and appeals.
- Records held by the Association that are related to the application can be provided & by paper, electronically or facsimile as per the applicant's request.
Costs and Fees
- Normally there will be no costs to provide records to applicants. In large or unusual requests, the Executive Director may determine that costs are warranted. In these cases, prior to forwarding the records to the applicant, the Association shall confirm the costs incurred in preparing the documents for disclosure, which costs shall include:
- Photocopy costs, if any;
- Postage costs, if any;
- Courier costs, if any; and
- A fee to offset the administrative time involved in preparing the documents.
- The Association shall advise the applicant of the fee for access to the documents and the rationale for charging a fee and must receive the fee from the applicant before documents are disclosed.
- The Association will make every effort to respond to the requests within 30 days of the request being received by the Association and to assist the individual with understanding the information.
Amendments to Records
- An individual shall be able to challenge the accuracy and completeness of their personal information and request to have it amended if appropriate.
Denying Access to Documents
- If the Registrar is of the opinion that release of any of an applicant's documents may jeopardize the safety of any person, the applicant will be provided only those documents that are not considered to jeopardize the safety of any person.
- In the event that the Association refuses to provide access to all documents it holds related to the applicant's application for registration, the Association will provide reasons for denying access.
Retention of Documentation
- All original documentation submitted to the Association throughout the registration process remains as part of the physical file; therefore, such documents will not be returned regardless of whether an applicant's application is withdrawn, approved or denied for registration.
Please note that the Association has a record retention policy that addresses retention of records.