If it is necessary to file a complaint against an OLS, a formal complaint must:
- be made in writing and addressed to the Registrar
- explain the nature of the problem,
- detail the events in chronological order, and
- include copies of any documents or other information pertinent to the complaint.
To help us to better understand the nature of your complaint, please download and print our Complaints Help Form, complete it and include it with your submission.
Upon receipt of the Complaints Help Form, the Registrar may contact you to suggest means of addressing your concerns other than the filing of a formal complaint, when appropriate. If the Registrar does contact you, you still have the choice of considering this a formal written complaint, in which case it will be forwarded directly to the Complaints Committee. If the Registrar does not contact you, the Complaints Help Form will be considered a written complaint and forwarded directly to the Complaints Committee.
The Complaints Committee is composed of AOLS members and a lay member of Council. It does not include any members of the AOLS staff. There is no cost involved in filing a formal complaint. All complaints are kept confidential by the AOLS staff and committee members, however a copy of your complaint will be sent to the OLS for response.
The Complaints Process
The Registrar reviews the letter of complaint and the details to ensure that it is clear and complete. The OLS complained against is notified and is allowed at least two weeks to respond. A copy of the letter of complaint is sent to the OLS. The OLS responds in writing, to the Registrar, submitting all pertinent information. The Registrar may then request the person filing the complaint to respond to the OLS's explanations. At its meeting, the Committee reviews the submissions. The Committee is not required to allow either the complainant or the OLS complained against to speak to the Committee or to attend the meeting.
The Committee may:
- direct the Registrar to obtain more information,
- direct the way in which the complaint is to be resolved,
- dismiss the complaint,
- refer the matter or any part of it to Council with a recommendation that Council refer the matter to the Discipline Committee, or
- take the action that it considers appropriate in the circumstances and that is not inconsistent with this Act or the regulations or by-laws.
The Complaints Committee is not required to hold a hearing or give any person an opportunity to make oral submissions.
The decision and reasons of the Committee are sent by first class mail and email to both the complainant and the Surveyor complained against.
If the complaint is referred for mediation, the complainant may be asked to participate. If the complaint results in a disciplinary hearing the complainant may be asked to testify.
Complaints Review Councillor
If the person who filed the complaint is not satisfied with the manner in which the Complaints Committee handled their complaint, that person may apply to the Complaints Review Councillor (CRC) for a review of the treatment of the complaint. The CRC is a lay member of the AOLS Council. The CRC cannot overturn a decision of the Complaints Committee, but may only review the procedures used to process and decide the complaint.
The CRC prepares a report, which is provided to the Council, to the complainant and to the person complained against.